
Showing posts from March, 2009

Taking Control

Recently i mastered the art of controlling the TV. I am always snatching the controller from my grandparents and parents. I will scream if they dun let me have it. So i always kana whacked by Mummy for being so demanding... ...

Friends who I Should know

Daddy & Mummy went to KL over the weekend and got to see their buddies' kids. Mummy believe that we will also grow up to be buddies. But I have not met them yet. Perhaps one fine day... ... ... ... Felicia Aunty's newborn kid, Bari! He is born on 20 March 2009 weighing 3.10kg! Bear Uncle's son who is same age as me... "Cheng Cheng"

My Future

Mummy stumped upon this posting by a fellow Mummy and finds it meaningful. To tell the truth, Mummy is copying it down for my further viewing... Hmm... what will i think in the future... how will i feel in the future... To be honest, Mummy doesn't even knows if I will contiune to write on this blog when I grow up... 曾在廣播裡听到 ,當孩子頂嘴甚至步入叛逆期時的因應之道 做媽媽的總是嘮叨 ,有一次已經高中的兒子不耐煩的頂撞了母親 , 母親氣得半死。 做父親的便約兒子一起出門散步。兩人走了好久 , 父親一路上不發一語 , 兒子納悶。 一直到要進家門口時 , 父親拍拍兒子的肩膀, 以男人對男人的語氣說 : 『等一下進去時 , 給我女人一點面子 !』 兒子驚讶於老爸用哥兒們的語氣對他說話 ,並因男人跟男人之間的義氣 , 從此對母親畢恭畢敬的。 所以 , 有的時候 , 父親這個角色還是頗重要的 ! 當我的小孩頂撞我時,我想告訴他,下列的事任選一樣,做到後,才有頂撞的權利: 1. 連續3 個月每吃完一餐就須催吐 (孕吐) 2. 乳頭被別人吸到破皮達一個月 (餵奶) 3. 肚子塞一顆籃球達 10 個月 ( 懷孕) 4. 接受皮鞭抽打達 48 小時 (生小孩) 5. 10 個月不能喝冰水、咖啡、茶 6. 5個月睡覺不能翻身 7. 10 個月不能出遊遠行,不能跑跳 8. 10個月不能生病,要不,生病不能吃藥 9. 至育嬰室把屎把尿一個月 10. 晚上睡覺每二個小時起床一次,清醒30 分鐘達一個月 寫完上述10 項,我覺得當娘的真不是人幹的。 想起一個高中同學他說:有一次頂撞母親,父親把他從椅子上踹下來,斥責他: 你媽是我捧在手心的寶,我呵護她,照顧她,對她輕聲細語,你憑什麼對他大小聲!!! 我的同學再也不敢頂撞母親了。 ~好感動,尤其是最後一句是經典。 男人們丫,如果你們真的愛、疼你老婆(女朋友)記得這句話就夠了! 老婆是拿來疼的,所以千錯萬錯都是自己的錯,不服...

My Shu Shu says the Red WON!

My Shu Shu says Liverpool won and he is so happy about it. He even asked my mummy to log on the internet to "broaden" her knowledge. Whahaha... He din know that even my Daddy gave up on her... Whahha... Then he made me a Liverpool fan too!

My Lesson @ Kindermusic!!!

My mummy signed me up for trial session @ Kindermusic. I get to play with some other little friends over there. I am a little scared though. But with Mummy around, I have nothing to be scared of!!! I got used to it after awhile.

In Rashes

I had rashes after fever and made all my family members so worried about me. I have become a ugly baby this week! Mummy took 3 days of childcare leave to take care of me too!

I am Sick

My teeth is coming out again. Now is having fever... 38.4 degree... Starts to have Cough and flu too... I miss the lesson that Mummy signed up for me. Luckily Choc Auntie managed to re-schedule for me. I am not well so dun disturb me!

My present from Daddy - Push Walker

Mummy says that I can stand now so i should learn how to walk. Daddy then gets a push walker for me! Whahaha... Thank you Daddy!

Yi Yi & Yi Zhan's ROM 24 Feb

24 Feb is a very important day for my yiyi... It's her ROM day! We are all set ready for the event. Mummy says we gets a big feast later too! The bride and the groom! This is my Yi yi ... So pretty!!! We are all waiting outside! Oh... She is taken in another 10 mins.... Let me intro... This is my new Yi Zhan, Vincent! So sweet......... The "used to be 3 Lees" - Currently, is Lee, Chiok and Che! My Yi Zhan's new Family! My Yi Yi's new Family! I am waiting anxiously outside too.... This is my new Winnie Yi Yi! Oh... Blush! The Witnesses! Let me present - Mr & Mrs Che! The feast! We are starting to eat.... Dun disturb!