Mother's Day

This year, Mummy din really want a big way to celebrate Mother's Day, or rather, nobody is really into the mood of celebration. Daddy brought gor gor to celebrate with ye ye and ah mah, then Mummy brought me out to have a dinner with po po. We went to a nice place nearby at Raffles Marina. It is a outdoor environment with nice scenery. I think the nice scenery is important for the Lees right now as it will help to lighten the mood abit.

The photographer throughout the dinner. My er er yiyi.....Mummy had becomes very lazy
This is my handsome Jiu Jiu. He becomes quite a fatherly figure now in the family. He demostrates it by carried me throughout the whole dinner. I also co-operate with him abit by making no fuss!

Gor Gor's favourite character... Yi Zhan!

The Mothers! Oops.... where is my Mummy?????

Usually you are the one behind the wheels. You are or might also be the one surrenderring those notes. On this day, you are not. We cannot hear your voice, we cannot see you.... But we can feel you.... we are wondering how are you, what are you doing, are you taking all these well???
We miss you!


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