Early Christmas Party on 20 Dec

Daddy is preparing crabs for the steamboat.

But i can't eat, Daddy!

All Uncles and Aunties are busy helping except ......

Uncle Jiaming!

I woke up from my afternoon nap to see the Christmas Tree set up!

Christmas Party is going to start......

but the aunties are still playing mahjong....:-(

Look at what the adults eat.....

And I am only eating this.......

But it is still Yummy!

Hoho.... Christmas present time!

I wan to open my presents!

I have presents from Auntie Danlin, Auntie Lilian & Daddy!

(Auntie Leng forgot to bring my present!)

A bear from Auntie Danlin!

Good for my itching gums.....

hmm... that's my present from Auntie Lilian...

Why all the aunties are playing my toy instead???????????????????????????

This is mine....

Nobody took pictures of the present from Daddy! That's my favourite - a toy car! After all the exciting night, i gotta zzz while the party still continues......... Shhhhh..... Keep your volume down.... BB Chiok is zzz........


Anonymous said…
merry xmas everyone and to bb chiokie as well. he is so cute..

see u all soon

zhung zhe
Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas to you too!

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